Material - 난해 (Abstruse) MP3 Gratis.

icono fecha Album : ㄴ icono fecha Genre : 락 icono tiempo Duration : 3:17 icono view Views : 256
복잡하고 난해한 밤이 날

감싸안을 때

우린 서로를 알지 못했었단

거짓말을 해

We just tied ourselves as we always did

I just lied myself as i always did

Spending time with you was all wasted

I just lied myself as i always did

마지막 뒷모습에 네 웃음 그게 남았는데

너란 사실 그 모든 게 어찌 없던 일이 돼

I just tied my hands as I always did

As the time passed by will you come back in

나는 나 너는 너 그게 낫겠지

This time is really last of you and me

All my tears reflect you

그게 다 can't be lie, I'm not loco

You gave me not only just memories

but freedom to breathe

Don't you think you've been too cruel

Said I'm a little star

running through your sky

Can't be that's a lie

Even behind your eyes

복잡하고 난해한 밤이 날

감싸안을 때

우린 서로를 알지 못했었단

거짓말을 해

We just tied ourselves as we always did

I just lied myself as i always did

Spending time with you was all wasted

I just lied myself as i always did

버린 날을 계속해서

그리워함을 모르게

시린 밤이 계속돼도

우린 답을 찾아 계속

시간 사이에 선 다음

헤매 출굴 찾을 때까지

지난 타이밍에 정답은

두 갈래 별을 쫓다가 전부 망각하지

아지랑이가 피어난 머릿속을

헤집고서 얽힌 기억들의

덩어리를 끄집어낸 뒤에

비운 이름을 채우고 나서야

후회를 써 내린 이의 말로

복잡하고 난해한 밤이 날

감싸안을 때

우린 서로를 알지 못했었단

거짓말을 해

We just tied ourselves as we always did

I just lied myself as i always did

Spending time with you was all wasted

I just lied myself as i always did
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